Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Instant answers (just add water!)

Jonah 4:4&5
Very oftern we (and I include myself in this!) are SO eager to hear God's answer to our prayer requests, that if we don't have an instant reply we assume God's not listening.
This is crazy.
Just because something isn't fitting in with our grand scheme doesn't mean its wrong.
Jonah thought along these lines (as he would cuz its a human reaction) and when he didn't get his own way and couldn't run away from this situation, he decided that God should just smite him and be done with it!
Sometimes when God moves, not everyone is pleased.
When Jesus first started his ministry gig he was performing miracles in his area (which was Galilee). This, as you could imagine, caused quite an interset and it wasn't long before crowds were gathering in little Galilee.
The locals weren't happy with the increase in tourists and so they asked Jesus to leave!
Can you imagine being so self-absorbed that you would rather not be in the presence of the son of God?
Love you x

Monday, December 26, 2005

One step forwards, Three steps back!

Jonah 4:3
Dude! Jonah was angry with God, NOW he's feeling suicidal!
Just when it looked as if he was gonna learn from this experience, he slips right back into to stoopid mode again.
Jonah couldn't face serving someone who could do the kinds of things that God was doing.
He would sooner die.
This is Jonahs stuborness - TO THE MAX!!!
It also shows that Jonah had learnt very little. He still wants to run away - but this time, he looks to run not to another country but to the grave.
Don't live your lives with unresolved anger inside of you. It will catch up with you eventually. (and the longer its left to fester, the worse it becomes)
Maybe you watch enviously as other people go further in God than you.
Or perhaps you resent new-christians for their bright, fresh approach to faith.
Don't run and hide from God.
Take these problems and bad feelings to God a talk to Him about it.
Learn from your past.
Walk towards God.
Love you x

Friday, December 23, 2005

Scandalously good

Jonah 4:2
For all his weaknesses, Jonah did tell God what was really in his heart, even if it was ugly. He brought his frustrations to God's attention.
If you are struggling, depressed or disappointed, tell God.
He knows anyway, but He considers our expression of pain a moment of intimacy.
Use God as your shrink.
Its kinda ironic that the most amazing descirptions of God found in the bible came out of the mouth of such a bitter/enraged man like Jonah.
The minor prophet finally 'fesses up' to why he did a runner from God in the first place - he was frightened that God WOULD be true to His promise to forgive the Ninevites.
So why would anyone complain about such beauty and grace?
The answer is simple.
We want God to be gracious and forgiving to US - but not people who WE consider not worthy of it. (as if we have any grounds to be judgemental!)
Love you x

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mr. Angry

Jonah 4:1
Jonah was a little miffed.
He had gone to this place (that he really didn't wanna) and preached a 'half-assed' message (begrudgingly) and not only did these people listen to what he said, they also took it to heart as a whole nation.
Jonah has preached the shortest and most successful sermon in history and rocked the city with words of revival.
You'd think he would be happy.
The exact opposite. The writer is keen for us to understand just how angry Jonah was with God. First off there is a use of a literary device called a figura etymologia ( a double emphasis )
We see uses of this many times throughout the book of Jonah to show just how intense something was. (e.g. the sailors feared a great fear, Jonah was called to proclaim the proclamation, and now he was angry with a great anger!)
Take it from me. He's upset.
When we are frustrated we need to run to God not away from Him.
Love you x

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Mans gotsta do what the Mans gotsta do

Jonah 3:9
I was flicking through the channels the other day and I stumbled across the God channel (I would normally flick right past) but something made me hesitate. The broadcast was of some American minister preaching from the book of Isiah.
He was (in a round aboput way) telling the congregation to 'tell God what to do.'
His whole message was based on Isiah 45:11 ('concerning the work of my hands command ye me'). Do a double take on this passage; it's very clear that God is actually saying the opposite; that He is God, and will do what He will do. God invites and encourages our prayers and even suggestions but in the end, 'He is God'(Isa. 45:18)
Mission is about inviting everyone to have a relationship with God, to place their hopes, dreams and ambitions at His feet and allow Him to take charge of their destiny.
Here, in Jonah, the 'pagans' did better than the prophet
Similar to the 'pagan saliors' the king's decree expresses hope in God, rather than a demand (Jonah 3:9)
Pray with hope and don't pout when the answer doesn't come, or isn't what you wanted.
Love you x

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Be careful what you pray for

Jonah 3:7&8
A lot of people would say that their main prayer request would probably be for growth within their church. However, this has a dangerous underside. Growth is not only messy and disruptive, but also hard work.
One of the most impressive examples of transition was made by the infant church, in allowing the gentiles to also hear the good news. (Acts 15:1-35)
This was a major shift in thinking.
So, say we pray for a more effective youth group/outreach program and suddenly masses of young people (maybe with drug/alcohol abuse history) start showing an interest in the church.
Christian parents (probably the very same people who prayed for the growth in youth!) begin to feel concerned for their 'sheltered' children.
What effect will these new kids have upon the old ones?
Who will influence who?
When God moves, the people most surprised by what He does are usually the guardians of His last move.
Have we seen this before?
Maybe in the new testament pharisees and religous teachers' reactions to the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The scene in the book of Jonah must have looked kinda crazy.
People forcing their livestock to fast and also wear sackcloth!
Jonah had no idea on the impact of his reluctant message to the people of Nineveh.
Be careful what you pray for. The answer may bring some surprises.
Love you x

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Expect the unexpected

Jonah 3:5
We humans are strange creatures.
Non are stranger than the 'Christian'.
Here we see a collection of people that all believe in one set of facts and rules, and they still manage to royaly cock things up. Arguing about petty and insignificant things and loosing sight of the real reason we are all here (no . . . not to decide the colour of the carpark fence!)
Jesus (the perfect example of what we christians strive to be) taught us to love one another as we are loved by the Lord, and yet there is still bickering in the church.
I heard today that Hanover Hall was closing soon, due to lack of attendance and the age of those that do attend.
This is sad.
The message that Jonah voiced (no matter how depressingand pessimistic the delivery!) seemed to strike a chord with the Ninevites.
The word used to describe their new-found faith -'believed' - is the same term in Hebrew that describes Abraham's relationship with God.
This radical repentance came to a bit of a shock to Jonah.
The Assyrians were already a religous people; they shaped their national life in accordance with Ishtar (godess of war). But they would welcome other gods (if it suited their needs at the time!)
So was this 'turning' for real?
As we look further we see that the wear sackcloth and fasting (a sign of mourning) and throw themselves at the mercy of God.
This is indeed a miracle.
It IS difficult to pray for some people (maybe people we don't get on with). The conversion of some people may seem impossible.(check out for the story of 'Head' from the band Korn's coversion to the christian faith) But to the God who can even raise the dead, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Love you x

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Jonah 3:3&4
Mission calls us to live the message aswell as speak it.
It was an obedient Jonah who went to Nineveh.
He was calling to the Ninevites to surrender to the one true God, as he himself (for the time being!) was in the place of surrender.
I have heard people say "Don't look at the church, look at Jesus."
They are wrong.
God wants people to be able to look at us AND see Jesus.
I saw a guy the other day in Birmingham.
Preaching (if thats what you can call it!) the good news (if thats what you can call it!). He was yelling bible texts at passers-by. Screaming "REPENT!"
This guy is deffinately brave, but is he wise?
The gospel is GOOD NEWS: does this sound like good news?
This is kinda like Jonah's message to the Ninevites. His short outburst does not speak of any chance to repent, and there is absolutely no good news.
Jonah just echoes Nahum's dark announcement (Nahum 3:1-19), 'Here comes the judge - you're all doomed!'
Are our lives and words good news to others?
Love you x

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Messy Mission

Jonah 3:2
In yesterdays past we touched on the fact that Jonah's second chance to go to Nineveh may not have been his ideal situation.
Since then I have researched into the Ninevites and why Jonah would be so reluctant to go.
Inscriptions found on Assyrian monuments show how vile and cruel a race they could be, particually following a victory in battle. Captured soldiers were horribly tortured before execution, often having their tongues wrenched out by hand.
Another method of the Ninevites involved pegging a man to the ground; the executioner then made an incision with a sharp knife, raising the skin inch by inch until the victim was skinned alive. These skins were then stretched out and displayed on the city walls.
This may seem a bit extreme, but relevent; mission is a call to love the unlovely.
We need to ask God to help us to love those we would naturally turn away from.
Like Lisa said on sunday night, go and talk to someone you wouldnt normaly approach.
Love you x

Monday, December 05, 2005

I hate fishing

Jonah 3: 1&2
God has given Jonah a second chance. He has taken him full circle in these crazy 2 chapters and is now saying "NOW will you go to Nineveh?!"
God uses second-rate idiots (He aint got nothing else to use!)
Time after time we see examples in the bible of how God used unskilled and occasionally obnoxious. Quite often we see how these 'lesser leaders' shrink back from their callings.
Stuttering Moses (Exod. 4:10-16), and Jeremiah feeling like a child doing a man's work (Jer. 1:6)
"The church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones."
(Henry Ward Beecher)
Hate is such a strong word but COME ON it's fishing!
To CHOOSE to sit in the freezing cold for days on end, going without basic sanitation and warmth so that you can hook a little fish, admire it (maybe take a photo of yourself with it) and then chuck it back in the water seems less than appealing!
But after speaking to a few people at work (who enjoy it), I have realised the main truth - you have to go and get them. No fisherman stands on the bank with a net hoping that the fish will obediantly hop in.
This is the same with our christian life (especially in evangelism).
When praying that people will show up at church on sundays we sometimes adopt the 'come and hear' approach, rather than the biblical 'go and tell'.
Of course living this missionary life-style can be costly. This way of living can cause you to be interrupted and driven out of your comfort zones.
There is no reason to believe that Jonah was any happier about the second call than he was the first.
Some people cry out to God "Send them in Lord!"
Perhaps God's reply is "Go to where they are, people!"
Love you x

Friday, December 02, 2005

Jonah 2: 9-10
I love this bit in the story.
When I was at younger at sunday school we where always told this story in such a 'nice' way. We heard of Jonah sat quite comfortably inside a smiling whale, and after he said "sorry" God told the whale . . .
" errm, excuse me Mr. Whale, could you be so kind as to gently spit out my friend?"
The fact is that Jonahs whinging and flawed repentance was SO annoying that it made the whale physically sick.
Can you imagine what a whale being sick is like ?!
That WOULD be gross !
Just a short one today kids . . . I gots some take away pizza waiting for me!
Love you! x

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Vow breakers

Jonah 2:9
Like Jonah we can fall into the trap of thinking that grace is a licence to continue sinning, this is the exact opposite to what the new testament teaches. His 'confession' made him feel more noble about his unfaithful choices.
In todays society we have a 'confession crazy culture' where people are almost adicted to shouting out their sins - but do not feel any remorse or a need to change their ways. It doesnt seem to matter what you do as long as you admit it.
This aint how God's forgiveness works!
When you say sorry to someone that means you will NEVER do that thing again.
Public airing of dirty laundry is no substitute for real repentance, if anything it just gives the impression to outsiders that sin is OK.
True repentance leads to a deffinate (and genuine) change.
So, inside the whale , Jonah made promises to obey God and go to Nineveh.
What will happen in Nineveh ?
What will happen tomorrow to the vows we have made today ?
We need to pray not just to admit that I'm wrong but to turn from wrongdoing.
Love you x

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Pride comes b4 a fall

Jonah 2: 8&9
We have recently seen that spirituality can be dangerous.
Here we see that not 2 minutes after Jonah has come back to God, he trips up again! He bursts into shouts of condemnation 'idol worshippers!'.
How quickley Jonah forgets what he has been through to get to this point in the story. It is said that the newly-forgiven forget where they came from and become self-appointed experts, harshly critical of others.
Jonah claims that he will now become a greatful worshipper once again. But the truth is that the 'pagan' sailors had already gone running to the real God while Jonah sat sulking in the hull of a boat!
Pride can so quickly spoil our relationship with God.
And sometimes we who have been freely (and undeservedly) pardoned withhold pardon from those who require it from us.
Like the unmerciful servant in Jesus' story (Matt. 18: 21-35), we suffer from spiritual amnesia and forget that we have been shown great grace
We who have been quickly forgiven must learn to forgive quickly.
'Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.' (Col. 3:13)
Love you x

Friday, November 25, 2005

Busy for God ?

Jonah 2:7
I've found that we can all drift in and out of 'fake faith', where we follow the basic rules of christianity but have little day-to-day interaction with God.
Ironically, 'busy' christians fall into this trap, we become so busy for Christ that we have little or no time to be with God. We can get lost in the blur of doing things and forget the real reason we are here.
When Jonah reset his compass for Nineveh, he also turned back to face God. Repentance (yep, that word again!) means running headlong into the arms of the Lord.
The prodical son ran home, not just to jewellery, a bbq and new clothes - but, first and foremost, to his father's hug.
I think we could all do with having a hug from God!
Love you x

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Major on minors (or a mountin out of a molehill)

Jonah 2:4 (again)
In the last post we saw how sin can deceive us; ironically, we can sometimes do wrong in the name of religion aswell. (just look at the crusades of the holy lands!)
Religious people are oftern sticklers and always banging on about being righteous. Sadly, sometimes we prioritise issues that are unimportant in God's eyes and ignore what He is passionate about.
The pharisees fussed and argued over minute theological details and washed their hands before touching the Torah scrolls, BUT were quite happy to bruise and abuse their fellow human beings all in the name of righteousness.
Their spirituality was selective and blinded them towards their own faults.
Jesus dealt with this issue (Matt. 23:24) and it was this stubborness that lead to Jesus' betrayal and execution.
With this outcry by Jonah, you could be lead to believe that he had finally seen the error of his ways. However, Jonah was a Jew (of course) and very proud of his Jerusalem (this outcry could be seen as homesickness).
His problems all began because his calling was not within the comforts of his homeland, but to a foreign land (Nineveh).
When I tell people I go to church and believe in God, they reply . . .
"oh, you're religous?"
I'm not about religion and rules and regulations.
I'm about realtionships
Relationships with family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, but MOST importantly with God.
Guys, lets not be religous!
love you x
p.s. sorry no post for a while, i've had some stuff to deal with.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The fugitive

Jonah 2: 3&4
On the way to (and back from) Belarus the crossing countries and changing times was kinda crazy. I could fall asleep in France and wake up in Holland (how messed up was that?!)
It was a kind of delayed jet lag, I'd wake up and think 'now where am I?'
Continuous sin and disobeying God can be a bit like this feeling. Deception and rebellion go hand-in-hand.
We find Jonah in this situation, he has run from God and straight into a thick fog (deceptively hard to shift!)
The truth is that Jonah was a fugitive, not an exile. He also ironically complained of being ignored by God, when it was Jonah that ran from Him.
Turning away from God always ends in tears!
This is kinda like a thing I heard (I'm not sure where it's from!), when we feel as if God has left us, the fact is we have moved away from Him.
God NEVER moves.
He is forever
Love You
Jonah 2: 3&4
On the way to (and back from) Belarus the crossing countries and changing times was kinda crazy. I could fall asleep in France and wake up in Holland (how messed up was that?!)
It was a kind of delayed jet lag, I'd wake up and think 'now where am I?'
Continuous sin and disobeying God can be a bit like this feeling. Deception and rebellion go hand-in-hand.
We find Jonah in this situation, he has run from God and straight into a thick fog (deceptively hard to shift!)
The truth is that Jonah was a fugitive, not an exile. He also ironically complained of being ignored by God, when it was Jonah that ran from Him.
Turning away from God always ends in tears!
This is kinda like a thing I heard (I'm not sure where it's from!), when we feel as if God has left us, the fact is we have moved away from Him.
God NEVER moves.
He is forever
Love You

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

When the going gets tough . . .

Jonah 2:2
Jonah shows us how stubborn he really is (and how we can be!), not only does he disobey[and run from] God, set sail in the opposite direction of his 'would-be' destination, is thrown over board in to a terrifying storm AND swallowed by a huge fish.
If this is not enough, he then stays inside the belly of the fish (in total darkness and probably close to death!) for 72 hours BEFORE he decided to apologies to God!
The same can be said for us. Sometimes we have to walk some pretty hard pathways before we learn our lesson.
Jonah was tired with his life without God.
He decided to return to the Father (with his tail between his legs) like the prodical son (Luke 15:11-24). It is deffinately a difficult prayer to pray, but we must admit that we have done wrong and that we cannot improve the situation on our own and we need HELP!
When we reach this desperate low and yell for help, this is when we are at our most honest and God instantly hears.
He immediately responds to the cry of those who decide they want/need Him.
How tough do things have to get before you look to God?
Love you x
p.s. I havent got a clue what music to dance to at "strickly come dancing". Any suggestions are welcomed muchley!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Jonah 2:1
Repentance isn't a negative thing.
Repent literally means to "turn away" or "do a u-turn" from the things we have previously been doing (our old self).
Repentance is at the heart of New Testament Christianity.
John the Baptist (the guy who matt looks like) was the major prophet to prepare the world for Jesus (his cousin). The heart of his message was to repent and a change of life-style (Matt.3:8)
When JC began his ministry his main message was to repent (Matt.4:17)
Repentance is not negative, on the contrary, it's part of the Good News.
As we see Jonah inside his "fishy chapel", it is unclear as to whether his prayers of repentance are sincere or not.
God wants us to repent, not because He's a killjoy, but because He cares.
No matter how low we've gone, and however deep we find our selves in crap, there's always a way back.
"There's nothing you can do to make me love you any less"
Love you x

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Jonah 2:1-10
Dont be alarmed, it is a large chunk of reading today.
I want you to read thru this chapter and then in the next few days we'll go over it in more detail.
This second chapter of Jonah shows us that repentance is a turning point in our lives and also it is at the heart of the Christian message.
This section of the book has been read for centuries by the Jews on the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) - the most solemn fast day in the Jewish year.
The question that needs to be asked is ...
"Was Jonah really repentant - or was his stuborness enough to turn a fish's stomach ?"
Repentance is the theme we will be studying in the next few posts.
Love you x

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Amazing Grace

Jonah 1:17
Put yourself in Jonah's shoes. (although he only took a size 7 sandal!)
He's ran from God, got himself stuck on a boat with pagans in a wild storm in the middle of nowhere, the "luck" of drawing straws has gone against him and NOW he has been thrown into the oceans depths.
Wowzas! . . . I bet he'd wished he just went to Nineveh now!!!
So, this was it, his life had come to an end.
Then he gets swallowed by a huge fish! (some people argue that it may have been a great big shark). The very thought that this aquatic predator would be his rescuer is quite unbelievable.
But thats the way God is.
You can ask him to help you out and you may think you know what you need to come to your aid, but God will turn you around (or upside down) and in the end you WILL be blessed.
Grace really is amazing.
Can't figure it out ? (you never will) Just accept it, like a lifebelt - or a passing fish - to a drowning man.
Love you!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Jonah 1: 13-15
Back on the subject of those pagan sailors (I'm not obsessed!). Even after discovering that Jonah was a Hebrew [sworn enemies of the gentiles], they still did all they could to avoid throwing him overboard, they 'did their best to row back to shore' (v13).
THEN they prayed to the real God - that they would not be held accountable for the death of an 'innocent man' (v14). They were terrified at the fact of executing this man without a fair trial, especially if word got to Jonahs relatives - who would may have felt bound by honour to seek revenge on the sailors. (2 Sam. 14:7)
On top of all this there was the worry of God's judgement upon them for the murder of Jonah. The shedding of 'innocent blood' was a terribly serious crime.
In contrast, Jonah seemed untroubled by his own sin, and had risked the lives of everyone on board that ship for the sake of his own stubborness.
How Jonah expected to have his life spared by these sailors, when he had turned his back on the people of Nineveh AND God, is beyond me.
He simply could not see past his own problems.
Once again, it sounds kinda familar.
Love you !

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Stand up / Stand out

Jonah 1:9-12
During the panic caused by the storm, everyone (except Jonah!) was crying out to their gods, and there was plenty on offer!
Most people who lived in Palestine at this time believed in three kinds of gods; personal gods, who you would worship to watch over your life (protection) and help in day-to-day problems. There were family gods, worshipped by all family members. And finally, there were national gods, worshipped a guardians of the nation as a whole.
With all this going on, Jonah finally reveals his true identity as a Hebrew - and as a follower of the One true God. But notice that this didn't happen imediately, he sat there and waited until the last possible opportunity (after the men had umm'd and ahh'd about the situation AND drawn straws!) to own up.
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we prefere to keep quite obout our faith (I know I have). When you are just too tired or you can't face the questions, sniggers or even the abuse.
I am sad to say that Jonah and myself are more alike than I would like to admit!
I just hope I can learn from his mistakes.
Love you!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Jonah 1: 7&8
Last time we saw how the 'pagan' captain seemed to have more faith in prayer than the sleeping Jonah.
Sometimes signs of great love and compassion can be seen within the world. It saddeneds me that we do not see more of this in the church (and in my own heart!)
Often those who don't know God embarass those of us who say we do, and faith sometimes appears in the most unusual places - such as a Roman centurion. (Matt 8:10)
Sometimes we christians give the impression that the world is a lost cause and is hopeless. However, we are ALL sinners and occasionally those who don't know the Lord shine, and some of us saints can learn from them!
Love you!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Downward spiral

Jonah 1: 5&6
The tale of Jonah is riddled with 'ups and downs'.
Jonah goes down to Joppa (geographically)
Jonah goes down 'into the depths' of the boat-and after that plummets into a 'deep sleep' (the phrase in hebrew literally translates ad 'dead sleep' which associated to severe exhaustion or depression).
In every way his life was headed south.
When we resist God, we can sometimes think that it'll iron out and all be ok in the end. However, the more we resist(or ignore) God, our hearts harden.
Rebellion is not a plateau, its a downward spiral.
When Jonah lost the ability to hear God's whisper (due to a hardened heart) he tried a more obvious approach (hence the storm).
Jonah was sleeping when he should have been praying....Sound familiar?
Love you!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Wrong direction

Jonah 1:3&4
After receiving God's plans, Jonah legged it.
He fleed to Joppa-1,500 miles in the opposite direction of Nineveh. Commanded to go northeast, he went southwest.
You can almost see him shking his fists at God.
What seems like a quick solution to a problem is usually pro-longing the chaos and making it worse.
So . . . Jonah boards a ship. (yeah, that'll work, cuz everyone knows that God can't get you from the sea!)
God sent a great storm-which in the original hebrew text paints a picture of God 'hurling' the storm at the ship in the same way that a spear is thrown.
So why did God bother pursuing Jonah? If he wasn't interested in accepting the Nineveh mission, then surely their where others God could choose?
But Jonah was a chosen instrument for the job. God deeply cares for human beings, EVEN the people of Nineveh!
His calling is not for us to complete mere projects, but to participate with Him in reaching and caring for the lost.
God invites us, not merely to chase after our small dreams, but to play our unique part in His kingdom plan.
If we turn and run from God or just say "no" to God it doesnt just create a raised eyebrow in heaven, but a wounded heart.
Love you!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Jonah 1:1&2
No No No . . . This post aint about the best NFL team in the league.
Jonah was very patiotic about his background and where he is from. He is proud to be a Jew and going into a Gantile-based area is really not on his mind.
Then God turns around and says " Ninevah".
The word "GO" in Hebrew roughly translates to "Get up and go". Both Elijah and Jeremiah heard exactly the same command (1Kings 17:9; Jer. 13:6)
Jonah twists and turns and tries to wriggle out of what God has asked of him. He uses excuses we hear (and make ourselves) today.
"Why me?"
"I'm not good enough"
"I don't know how"
"I'm not good at this, I always do that instead"
The last excuse is used a lot when we are being asked to do something that we may not be comfortable in doing, or that takes us out of our comfort zone.
What we've done in the past becomes a secure bunker to prevent us from doing anything costly in the present.
God takes away from what we feel 'safe' doing and puts us in situations we feel we can't deal with, or are scared of.
But we have nothing to fear, if you are doing as God asks, hten surely you are safe in his big old hands.
Love you!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Read Jonah

Don't be scared.

Reading the bible is a good thing to do!

It might sound obvious, but so many christians neglect the best reference to God they have (along with prayer, which is also neglected!)

So read Jonah....Go on!.....It's only 4 chapters!

One of the main problems Jonah has is the initial request from God. He wants Jonah(a Jew) to go and tell ALL the people of Ninevah (Gentiles) that they are not living as they should be and must repent to God!

This is the ONLY instance of this[Jew preaching to Gentile] in the old testament.

We will start this study properly tomorrow, but I encourage you guys to read through the book of Jonah a couple of times (just to get familiar with the ins and outs)

All that really counts are the lessons we can learn from this little book.

God is God.

Whether a man could physically survive inside a fish for 3 days is slightly irrelevant. It would take a miracle for that to happen, and God does those!

Love you!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Jonah Man Jazz

Hi guys!
So, last night I had an idea (yep, I get them sometimes!) and I am gonna try to do a bible study thru my blog. The idea is so that as I learn stuff, I can share it with you guys and you can leave comments/questions.

So (if you have'nt already guessed I'm reading from the book of Jonah!)
If I asked anyone what the book of Jonah was all about, you'd probably say it's about a whale or big fish, or maybe it's about Jonah himself, or it's a story of warning.
Jonah is one of the best known books in the old testament, and the least understood.
The reality is it's about God.
It's basically a love story.
It describes the overwhelming consumimg love that God has for ALL human beings.
"People have looked SO hard at the great fish that they have failed to see the great God"
(G. Campbell Morgan)
#any comments on whether you think this is a good idea or not are welcomed muchley!#

Monday, October 31, 2005

I feel kinda "geeky"

I have just given my blog a facelift AND added some links (there will be more when my head stops hurting!). This is a little worrying as I aint really pc-intelligent.
I'm gonna get some pictures on here soon. So watch this space!

Anyway. I'm now watching wife swap (with mouth wide open!).
Its in the US, and its a gay couple swapping with a really strict "bible-belt" christian family.
Its really weird.

I love you guys.


Sunday, October 30, 2005


Last night was JCS, and I was realy blessed by the sheer amount of people who helped out (visually and behind the scenes). I think it was a brill evening and everyone looked really smart.
Maybe a new years jcs party?!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Lazy or what?!

It occured to me today that I've gotten kinda lazy.

Jon is like a lyric writing machine.
And I don't write too oftern now.
So I wrote this . . .
I wanna be who I'm supposed to be
I don't wanna be what I've become
I want me to be the real me
Because You sent Your Son
Low down
On the ground
Is where I am
It's where I deserve to be
Face down
Hide from the frown
On Your face
It's what I deserve to see
Walk tall
Never fall
It's what I am
And I don't deserve to be
Held tight
Treated right
In Your hands
Where I don't deserve to be
Skin torn
Crown of thorns
Taken my place
Where I deserve to be
Whipped and beat
Pierced hands and feet
On Calvary
Where I deserve to be
I've been really thanking God for the abundance of youth at our church at the moment. It really is a blessing to see young people CHOOSING to spend thier time in church.
The evangelical church by our house (the one that nearly burnt down) has an average attendance of about 15, and none of them are under the age of 40 !!!
It blows me away to see these little guys continuing their relationship with God (something that I struggled with!) and not only that, but taking on responsabilities within the church, like leading meetings.

Monday, October 24, 2005

R and R

This week is half term (I hear all the little guys cheering!), also I booked the week off (so I can cheer aswell!). Loads of cool stuff is going on at the moment. There is a new mentoring scheme we is trying to start up (watch this space), and JC's is just round the corner (and everyone seems to be up for it!) and finally, it's the Patriots bye week (so I don't have to worry about them loosing again this week!).

Anyway, last night I lead at church and Beck shared something about being late for the bus and running at big dogs (it was kind of metaphorical!), and it really challenged me.

I think if we stopped worrying about all the things that stand in our way and stop us doing what we should and remembered that we got this big guy on our side and nothing else can get in the way.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Maybe I've been part of the problem
Maybe I'm the one to blame
But even when I turn it off and blame myself the outcome feels the same
I've been thinking maybe I've been partly cloudy
Maybe I'm the chance of rain
And maybe I'm overcast and maybe all my luck's washed down the drain
I've been thinking about everyone
Everyone you look so lonely
But when I look at the stars I see someone else
When I look at the stars I feel like myself
Stars looking at a planet
watching entropy and pain
And maybe start to wonder how the chaos in our lives could pass as sane
I've been thinking of the meaning of resistance
of a hope beyond my own
And suddenly the infinate and penitent begin to look like home
I've been thinking about everyone
Everyone you look so empty
Everyone, everyone we feel so lonely
Everyone, everyone we feel so empty
When I look at the stars I feel like myself
When I look at the stars I see somone

This is my favourite song off of the new switchfoot album. It rocks! You guys should deffinately check it out.
At first I thought I was'nt going to like it (it didnt have the initial impact that their previous album[beautiful letdown] had), but after a few times through it grows on you.
However, it has been captured by J's car stereo, never to be seen or heard of again!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


However geeky you consider blogging to be, I would not consider myself a geek. As a non-geek, I feel very blessed that those geeky people who invented computers decided it would be a good idea to invent a undo function.

This little comand has saved my skin on many occasions.

Would'nt life be great if we had an undo button?
Everytime we screwed up or put our foot in it, we could just press controlZ.
I suppose (in a weird way) God DID give us an undo button.
When He sent His son to die on a cross and cover our sin with his blood.
So everyone join with me and thank God for controlZ !

Friday, October 07, 2005


I've been playing on NFL street2 on the PSP today (my day off!) in preperation for kicking Matt's ass this weekend (and maybe Jon!).
I also watched constantine. I thought it was cool. I like the idea behind the film and the special effects are "king".

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pros and Cons

Life is always about a balance. The most important thing is how you look at it.

Optimism or Pessimism
The bad thing that has happend in the last few days is that the Patriots lost on Sunday to the Chargers.
However, today I got the new Switchfoot album and a signed CD inlay and a poster!
Ive only listend to the first few tracks, but it sounds like a good 'en !

Monday, September 26, 2005

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the weekend just flies by?
Its the weird way that time works. Like how the fastest hour of the day is your lunch hour!

Anyhoo, I was at work on saturday (boring!) but when I got home Janine gave me a PSP (get- in!)
Then, we went to the church and played computer and pool and watched a film (which also rocked!)
Then, last night I was leading, due to lack of worship teamers.
I was a bit miffed because no-one shared anything, but the worship and the message on worship was pretty cool. It was a bit quieter and laid back, I'm not sure how people felt it went. (How did you feel it went?)
THEN, I get home and find out that the Patriots beat the Steelers 23-20.
Woo Yeah! Thats 2 and 1 baby!!!
(2wins 1loss)

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Today is my day off (woop woop!), so I have officially declared it an NFL DAY!
It started off nicely with me finishing off watching the redskins / cowboys game from sunday night (its a good game!), and then I've been on the patriots website and watched the PVN (patriots video news) and now I'm gonna go play Madden 06!
Its got a really cool mode where you play as yourself and you have to take interviews and go in for the draft. It starts from leaving college right up to nfl pro and retirement.

Channel 5 are showing Kansas v Denver on monday night (12:50) you should definately check it out!

Go Cheifs !
God has really taught me some amazing stuff this week. I had a serious prayer time on monday morning (something that I dont do enough of!) and I've started reading the book of Daniel.
I like the Daniel story, its something I think all of us can relate to,
"I cant do that God . . . I'm just little old me!"
We've all used excuses similar to that. Anyway, since I opened up to God I've been really feeling his presence at work and on a few occasions have caught mysely singing worship songs in the warehouse!
WAREHOUSE WORSHIP (that sounds pretty cool!)
I cant wait for what God has instore for me just around the corner! I'm hoping to get along side Janine and Jon and really put a lot of effort into the youth work (if they'll have me). I am really blessed by the way those two little guys have stepped out for their faith.
I also cant wait for God to bless my face off! (see James' comments on Jons blog!)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Catholocism WOW!

(Anyone pick up on the 'Dogma' reference?) . . . Kevin Smith kicks ass!

Anyway, I'm reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and it is heavily rooted in the catholic faith (as is the Da Vinci code!) and it struck me that catholics are stoopid!
They believe in this hierachy . . .
Everyone Else
Its as if the only person who can have a link to God is an old dude who has been elected by a bunch of similar old dudes! (Did you know the pope must be at least 60 years old?!)
I am SO glad that God talks to all of us.
We are all as good(or bad) as each other.
Also, the message on sunday night really blew me away. It was like it was a direct sermon for me. I really struggle with the fact that although we have been forgiven, we still continue to let Him down. When Claude put the idea of Body, Soul and Spirit into a very visual way, it really helped me to understand the concept.

Monday, September 12, 2005

...good times!

Woke up this morning and "ow!". Is anyone else feeling like they've been kicked repeatedly in their sleep?!
I think the youth weekend away was wicked cool!
Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we are already talking about planning the next trip!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


When I was younger I did'nt really care too much for sports. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed kicking a ball around and watching the world cup.

But, this week is just a sporting spectacular!

There is England against N Ireland tonight

Test match final (England and Aus)

And, (more importantly) the NFL season starts tomorrow night! And the Patriots are playing the Raiders!
Should be quite a game!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Work it out!

It is my 4th day back at work and I'm kinda back into my everyday rhythm. (It sucks!)
Also, while we have been away I did no exercise (other than walking and swimming!) and today I had a proper work-out at work. (we've got weights and a sit up bench and a pull up bar.Its pretty cool in the warehouse!) and I found it really difficult to get back in to it.

For example; Before holiday I was lifting three sets of 12 reps of 15KG with minimum effort and I'd upped to 20KG of reps of 8 with three reps (with a little struggle!) And now when I come back I'm stuggling to do 15's at all!

But today I really pushed myself and feel a lot better for doing so. It was tough.

I reckon the same can be applied to our christian life. If you can force yourself into a routine of praying at a certain time and reading the bible at a certain time you will see results!

Its all about discipline.

And just like with the work out, if we ignore the everyday things like prayer and bible reading, its SO much harder to get back into a routine.

Did you know... it takes a third of the time it took to build muscle to lose it.

So if you've been trainig for three years, it only takes one year to get back to your original fitness level. What a bummer!

So remember "we're better than you . . . and we know it!"

Monday, September 05, 2005

It was my first sunday back at church, since we got back from holiday, last night.

I REALLY enjoyed myself!

Playing the worship songs and singing and listening to everyones share time and listening to the message.

You dont realise what your missing until its taken away from you.

Cheers to Jon, for including me in the "boys prayer" in the middle room.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Gamers delight

Hand-held gaming just got a whole lot better!
Before we went on holiday I got the chance to play the PSP in game.


I played wipeout fusion (a game that I'm not that keen on, but...) it rocked!!!

Now I find out that Janine has pre-ordered it as an early christmas present!

Wives are cool!

Everyone should have one!

The PSP is way cool. If I were Jon I would say it was "King". It plays games (obviously!) and dvd movies (which can be bought OR downloaded of t'internet) and music videos and mp3s loads of other cool stuff!

Come on! Get excited with me!!!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Crapola on toast !!!

The New England Patriots lost their second pre-season match against the Saints last night, 37-27.
It sucks when your team loses.

Oh well, least its only pre-season (that means no lost points!)

Pre-season don't count.

First ones always a practice (everyone knows that!)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


On sunday I was lent a DVD by Jon, it's called HERO! and its an off-shoot of the novel (with the same name) and is described as a rock oprea/musical.

Think Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat but with distorted guitars!

It was actually very good, Janine and I are thinking off showing it at church on the big screen (that'd be cool!).
And we were even thinking of peforming it as a play at church (a kind of alternative to the christmas panto).


The Beautiful Letdown

I've come to the understanding (since my last post) that no matter how hard we try, we will never stop letting God down.
We is human.

Its what we is good at.

I've been spending a lot of time in thought (instead of working!) and God expects nothing more from us than faliure.
He is the all knowing, all forgiving.

He's had a lot of practice!

We just gotta get over the fact that "we're not worthy!" and get on with getting to know Him more.

He's my best friend.

Why would'nt I want to be with my best friend?

Switchfoot helps . . .
It was a beautiful letdown
when I crashed and burned
when I found myself alone, unknown and hurt
It was a beautiful letdown
the day I knew
that all the riches this world had to offer me would never do
In aworld full of bitter pain and bitter doubt
I was trying so hard to fit in, until I found out
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
I will carry a cross and a song where I don't belong

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Frustrated ?

I havent prayed or read my bible (seriously) for what seems like ages.
I'm simply "too busy".

Busy . . . on the internet, watching T.V, reading secular books, sleeping, worrying about bills, working out, at work or wondering what clothes to pack on my holidays.
Look at this list.
I've put all these things above God.

I dont wanna let Him down.

If I feel this frustrated with myself, then how frustrated must God feel with me ?
What if God was "too busy" for me ?
I'd be screwed !

But then 'Adding to the noise' by Switchfoot comes on the stereo and answers all these questions.
If all this worldly stuff is getting in the way of God, then leave it.

Simple as.

Friday, August 05, 2005


'Bout a wek ago, I saved a catterpillar who was wriggling around on the loading bay at the rock. I noticed him cuz he was vividly orange and black striped.

Then on monday, we had a furniture delivery (yawn!) and i noticed that there was a chrysalis (?) in the shutters. Then at break time I witnessed the butterfly emerging from the cocoon!
It was tuely amazing! To see this beautiful creature escaping from a dull prison ( the cocoon, not the rock!)
How can God surprise me more and more with new stuff when I've been on this earth for 24 years ?
The Lord moves in mysterious ways.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Have you got a Harry-Hole ?

Do not be freaked out.
Its not some gay wizard thing!

Since finishing the 6th harry potter book ( The half-blood prince), I have experienced something that I can only describe as a 'Harry-Hole'. I have tried to combat that by visiting the harry potter website ( ) and veiwed the teaser trailer for the 4th film ( the goblet of fire) but this had made me worse!!!
I then thought.....
"Why dont I feel this way about the bible?"
....The answer is, there is no answer.
We SHOULD get excited about the bible and we SHOULD get excited about what God has planned for us.
I think if people read the bible as intensively as the work their way through the hogwarts novels then our christian life would blossum.
From now on I'm working on filling my Jesus-Hole.
(Please note: Even if Harry Potter does not interest you, you can replace the aforementioned HP for a topic that you may obsess over. For example; computer games, films, comics, music etc etc.)

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
I have started reading a book called HUMANIFESTO, which is about the sermon on the mount. I am only a couple of chapters in, but it's wicked cool!
This passage is going against everything that modern-day media say is the way forward in life.
The world says . . .
"What job do you have ?"
"Where do you live ?"
"What car do you drive ?"
"Who are you going out with ?"
"What designer clothes do you have ?"
. . . If you answer the "correct" replies to these questions, then in the worlds eyes you have "made it" and are a "winner".
Jesus says it dosent matter about any of this material stuff, it dont matter if you aint got an up-to-date hairstyle or drink the right soft drink.
Jesus dosent care whether or not the world thinks you are a winner.
Jesus loves losers!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Where's the vocals?!

We had a band practice on saturday night, and towards the end of the practice my monitor got turned down (so that I couldnt hear what I was singing properly), so I sang loud enough that I could hear myself over the music.

This, evidently, was very loud and at the end of the practice my voice was completely shot.

Well, that was saturday, and its now Monday and its still not any better!
This sore throat combined with the icky summer-cold (I always seem to get when the weather is nice!) is not good.
On a lighter note, has anyone seen the new eminem video with the puppets?
Thats one funny video!
The Dr Dre, Eminem and 50 cent puppets are funny at the end!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Way too much time on my hands!

Today is my day-off (woop woop!), except that the weather is sucky, and I was planning on lying in the sun doing diddly-squat. But now my plans have to be completely changed.
So now, instead, I'm gonna sit in the house doing diddly-squat!

Anyhoo, after talking to James and Lisa last night at band, I thought I would check out this dancing guy on t'internet. He's pretty funny. Today he is dancing with a lady to 'girls on film', it's quality veiwnig.
Also, I've been reading 'Relevant' (which is an American christian youth magazine), its pretty good. I think J9 is gonna subscribe to it....oh yeah! I was reading an artical about a guy named Brian Welch (who, if you didnt know, is 'Head' from the band 'Korn'), and in the last few months he has found God and quit the band and gone on a pilgrimage to Isreal to be baptised in the river Jordan! (If somethings worth doing, it's worth doing right, right?)
It seems from the artical that his life has completely changed, he's even sent a letter to 50 centwith a message from God! I'm not sure what 'fiddy' will make of that, but you never know!
Anyway, Head has got a website that is pretty cool. Check it out. . .

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Anti-social old buggers!

" I went to a christening recently,
They had guitars, and they were singing songs,
Not hymns. . . . The worlds gone mad!"
[Old little scouse dude, on cutting edge channel 4]

Monday, June 20, 2005

Through the waters

Well . . . Yesterday I got baptised!

And to tell you the truth, I was more nervous about making a good job of singing RWJ's choice of song [the walk- J.T] than actually going through the 'dunking' or the testimony.
I think last night was brilliant. Everyone seemed to be in very high spirits, and the fact that there was quite a few non-church-goers there was a blessing.
Janines mom and dad really enjoyed themselves, which can only be a good sign.
If only we can get non-christians into the church, then they would see that its not stuffy (was guite warm last night!), and its not boring.
In fact, its a lot of fun!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

eh? cool week!

I love weeks like this one!
Its my day off (which is a bonus)
I'm feeling good!
The new Foo Fighters album is out (and it ROCKS!)
And I get baptised this sunday!
This is probably the biggest thing I'll do this year (no, not buying the new foos album! My baptism!!!).
I think I must be allowed one a year. Last years was marriage.
Maybe next year a little Ste or J9.
I bet that strikes fear into some of your hearts!
Ive just done a real good work out (bone would be proud!)
And now I've got J9's electricution belt on, cuz I'm too lazy to do sit-ups today!
... Anyway, back to baptism.
Growing up in the church Ive witnessed my fare share of "dunkings" and its always been a very happy day in the church, but I never really considered the significance of the act itself, and also never dreamed that I would be getting ready to go thru the waters myself!
Well, I guess I did know I'd do it one day, but it seems such a 'grown-up' thing to do.
But, having said that, I suppose getting married is a pretty adult thing to do.
I just wanna take this oppurtunity to 'big up' the other dunkees . . . RWJ, Gracey, and of course Janine.
I can't wait.
oh yeah, RWJ wants Jons song played as come back up!
How cool is that?! We practised it last night, hope he dont mind that it has been well and truely "worship teamed". Sorry.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

And on the third day . . .

Third day have some really good messages in their songs.
I was watching the live wire DVD and the whole concept of the 'wire' is fantastic!

Basically, walking the wire is treding the thin line of being in the world, but not of the world.
Too many people in church today only socialise with people from church, and loose touch with the 'outside' world.
How are we supposed to evangelise to these people when we have no way to communicate with them on their level.
Please take from me my life
When I don't have the strength
To give it away to you
Please take from me my life
When I don't have the strength
To give it away to you Jesus

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Philipians 3: 13-14

Too many people worry about whats in their past, when they should be looking forward to what they can do for God NOW!

"You either get busy living, or get busy dying"
I was really blessed by these verses, they are an encouragement to me, so I thought they might encourage you also!
I got a new CD the other day (from E-Bay!), and the lyrics to this one song jumped off the page at me. I like to read the lyrics to the songs before I play the CD (I think its because the music isnt that important, its the lyrics that give a song meaning), anyhoo, the song is called No One Else Knows and the band are called BUILDING 429 . . . .
My world is closing in
On the inside
But I'm not showing it
When all I am is crying out
I hold it in and fake a smile
Still I'm broken
I'm broken
Only one can understand
And only one can hold the hand
Of the broken
Of the broken
When no one else knows how I feel
Your love for me is proven real
When no one else cares where I've been
You run to me with outstretched hands
And you hold me in your arms
I need no explanation of why me
I just need conformation
Only you could understand the emptiness inside my head
I am falling
I am falling
I'm falling down upon my knees
To find the one who gives me peace
I am flying
Lord I am flying
I have come to You in search of faith
'Cause I cant see beyond this place
Oh you are God and I am man
So I'll leave it in you hands

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Woooo for DAYS OFF !!!

Days off ROCK!

I love days off, they're cool. Its the time when I can not only chill out, but I get to spend time with the dogs and get all the things done that need doing.
Things I like to do on days off include;
Walk dogs
Listen to music
Its the last on the list I wanna tell y'all about.
This morning whilst playing Madden 2005 I put on a CD (I didnt really pay much attention to which one, I just wanted some background noise!), it was Third Day [Offerings].
It got to the last track and I had to pause the game and just listen. Its a beautiful song and the lyrics are so powerful and humbling. Its called Love Song and here it is . . . .
I've heard it said that a man would climb a mountain
Just to be with the one he loves
How many times has he broken that promise
It has never been done
I've never climbed the highest mountain
But I walked the hill of Calvery
Just to be with you, I'd do anything
There's no price I would not pay
Just to be with you, I'd give anything
I would give my life away
I've heard it said that a man would swim the ocean
Just to be with the one he loves
How many times has he broken that promise
It can never be done
I've never swam the deepest ocean
But I walked upon the raging sea
I know that you dont understand the fullness of My love
How I died upon the cross for your sins
And I know that you dont realise how much I give you
But I promise, I would do it all again
Just to be with you, I've done everything
Theres no price I did not pay
Just to be with you, I gave everything
Yes, I gave my life away