Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Vow breakers

Jonah 2:9
Like Jonah we can fall into the trap of thinking that grace is a licence to continue sinning, this is the exact opposite to what the new testament teaches. His 'confession' made him feel more noble about his unfaithful choices.
In todays society we have a 'confession crazy culture' where people are almost adicted to shouting out their sins - but do not feel any remorse or a need to change their ways. It doesnt seem to matter what you do as long as you admit it.
This aint how God's forgiveness works!
When you say sorry to someone that means you will NEVER do that thing again.
Public airing of dirty laundry is no substitute for real repentance, if anything it just gives the impression to outsiders that sin is OK.
True repentance leads to a deffinate (and genuine) change.
So, inside the whale , Jonah made promises to obey God and go to Nineveh.
What will happen in Nineveh ?
What will happen tomorrow to the vows we have made today ?
We need to pray not just to admit that I'm wrong but to turn from wrongdoing.
Love you x

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