Tuesday, October 11, 2005


However geeky you consider blogging to be, I would not consider myself a geek. As a non-geek, I feel very blessed that those geeky people who invented computers decided it would be a good idea to invent a undo function.

This little comand has saved my skin on many occasions.

Would'nt life be great if we had an undo button?
Everytime we screwed up or put our foot in it, we could just press controlZ.
I suppose (in a weird way) God DID give us an undo button.
When He sent His son to die on a cross and cover our sin with his blood.
So everyone join with me and thank God for controlZ !


Simon Bridgwater said...

C0ntr01Z 4r3 l337!

Blogging isn't geeky... it's just sharing with others man!

matt said...

Yep indeed... CtrlZ has be me out of many a tight spot indeed.
COn+RoL Z 1$ th3 9rE@Te5+!
1T R0x0REz TEH h0u$3!