Saturday, November 19, 2005

The fugitive

Jonah 2: 3&4
On the way to (and back from) Belarus the crossing countries and changing times was kinda crazy. I could fall asleep in France and wake up in Holland (how messed up was that?!)
It was a kind of delayed jet lag, I'd wake up and think 'now where am I?'
Continuous sin and disobeying God can be a bit like this feeling. Deception and rebellion go hand-in-hand.
We find Jonah in this situation, he has run from God and straight into a thick fog (deceptively hard to shift!)
The truth is that Jonah was a fugitive, not an exile. He also ironically complained of being ignored by God, when it was Jonah that ran from Him.
Turning away from God always ends in tears!
This is kinda like a thing I heard (I'm not sure where it's from!), when we feel as if God has left us, the fact is we have moved away from Him.
God NEVER moves.
He is forever
Love You


rwj said...

i lost god in the fridge once, he was after my flapjack!!!dont faint but ive actually blogged!!

rwj said...

doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs