Monday, August 01, 2005

Have you got a Harry-Hole ?

Do not be freaked out.
Its not some gay wizard thing!

Since finishing the 6th harry potter book ( The half-blood prince), I have experienced something that I can only describe as a 'Harry-Hole'. I have tried to combat that by visiting the harry potter website ( ) and veiwed the teaser trailer for the 4th film ( the goblet of fire) but this had made me worse!!!
I then thought.....
"Why dont I feel this way about the bible?"
....The answer is, there is no answer.
We SHOULD get excited about the bible and we SHOULD get excited about what God has planned for us.
I think if people read the bible as intensively as the work their way through the hogwarts novels then our christian life would blossum.
From now on I'm working on filling my Jesus-Hole.
(Please note: Even if Harry Potter does not interest you, you can replace the aforementioned HP for a topic that you may obsess over. For example; computer games, films, comics, music etc etc.)

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