Monday, September 19, 2005

Catholocism WOW!

(Anyone pick up on the 'Dogma' reference?) . . . Kevin Smith kicks ass!

Anyway, I'm reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and it is heavily rooted in the catholic faith (as is the Da Vinci code!) and it struck me that catholics are stoopid!
They believe in this hierachy . . .
Everyone Else
Its as if the only person who can have a link to God is an old dude who has been elected by a bunch of similar old dudes! (Did you know the pope must be at least 60 years old?!)
I am SO glad that God talks to all of us.
We are all as good(or bad) as each other.
Also, the message on sunday night really blew me away. It was like it was a direct sermon for me. I really struggle with the fact that although we have been forgiven, we still continue to let Him down. When Claude put the idea of Body, Soul and Spirit into a very visual way, it really helped me to understand the concept.


James said...

Yeah, the message Sunday was great, really spoke to me too in the same way. I'd never thought about it quite that way.

It's so cool we can know got personally and miss out the middle man!!

No offense pope.

Simon Bridgwater said...

I got the Dogma quote. I don't agree with all the dang Popeness...!