Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Read Jonah

Don't be scared.

Reading the bible is a good thing to do!

It might sound obvious, but so many christians neglect the best reference to God they have (along with prayer, which is also neglected!)

So read Jonah....Go on!.....It's only 4 chapters!

One of the main problems Jonah has is the initial request from God. He wants Jonah(a Jew) to go and tell ALL the people of Ninevah (Gentiles) that they are not living as they should be and must repent to God!

This is the ONLY instance of this[Jew preaching to Gentile] in the old testament.

We will start this study properly tomorrow, but I encourage you guys to read through the book of Jonah a couple of times (just to get familiar with the ins and outs)

All that really counts are the lessons we can learn from this little book.

God is God.

Whether a man could physically survive inside a fish for 3 days is slightly irrelevant. It would take a miracle for that to happen, and God does those!

Love you!

1 comment:

James said...

Dood, good post! I am going to read Jonah.