Sunday, January 02, 2005

Electric Boogaloo

Yesterday I watched the DVD that Matt got me for christmas, ist the sequel to "Breakin" (some would say cult classic, others would say extremley cheesy 80's film about kids that just love to dance!).
I have yet to see the original, however "Breakin 2-electric boogaloo" is fantastic. It not only contains every possible combination of day-glow clothing, it also stars ICE T !!!
Anyone one who hasnt seen it I would urge to steal a copy from HMV (or borrow mine).
Anyhoo, I am currently reading 'How not to pray - Jeff Lucas',
He is a very funny and clever man. The chapter I'm on at the moment is talking about how we always seem to picture God up in heaven (which is a LONG way away from where we are!)...but this idealogy is all wrong. Pushing God into a heaven that is a million light years away from here is kinda taking away from the fact that you can just be sat in your bedroom at home and have the creator of everything right beside you.
I am so glad my God is not Dead or you can only talk to Him in a temple or only facing a certain direction or only one a certain day or only when your shoes are off (you get the idea)

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