Thursday, June 14, 2007

Funky Gideon


The time has come to begin another bible study (using the wonderful media tool known as 'blogging').

Im currently running through various studies in my quiet time (as well as the studies we do at Oakham), these include . . . .
*Exodus _ Egypt to the promise land
*David _ Shepherd to King
*Paul's letters
*Genesis (with thursday youth)
*Ephesians (Sunday mornings)
*Esther (Sunday nights)
Plus, my word for today.

But this isn't enough! We need more bible!

So, via this blog, I'm gonna start a study on Gideon.

I don't know much about Gideon (hence the study!) other than he is one of the judges in the book of Judges and he was a bit of a wuss AND he leaves little bibles in hotels!

So, we set the scene with the Isrealites (God's chosen race) to-ing and fro-ing between worshiping the LORD and various other false gods. Everytime they turn from God something bad happens, everytime something bad happens the turn back to God and cry out to Him for help. (this happens a lot in the whole of the old testament!)

God hears their cries and sends a saviour (of Judge) to help the out. Already in this book we have seen the Isrealites screw up at least 4 times, and God has sent 'judges' to help out (Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar and Deborah).

To help keep the story of Gideon moving AND to keep it relevant to life today I shall be adopting a method called Midrashim.

Midrashim is a teaching (storytelling) method that Rabbis have used since forever. It simply means "to inquire" or "to go in search of", a Rabbi would basically look at how a story could be brought up to date or made more accessable to people here and now.

My next blog will see the start of our study into Gideon. So please familiarize yourself with history [his story] Judges 6,7 & 8.

Also please use this blog to voice your points of view or for any questions through the comments, any feed back will be much appreciated.

Love you X

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love you my husband! How you have grown! xxx