Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Think YOU have problems?

Everything in this world screams for the self.

Jesus tells us of another way.

Adverts and other culture medias tell us that if we just concerntrate on what we need.... then our lives will be complete.

Jesus say love God and love others.

Where is the "I" in thast last sentance ?

The world says if only you live in this house, drive this car, drink this beer, use this shaver, get this aftershave, eat in this resturaunt, go on this holiday, have this job, wear these clothes, earn this much a year, get this kinda girl (or boy!) on your arm . . . THEN you know you've made it.

Jesus says sell your stuff, give the money to the poor, and follow me.
Our problems are usually to do with us. Money, bills, our wants (not needs). There are loads of self-help books out there now, but the truth is they can't help. Just as soon as you deal with one problem another one pops up in its place.

Offer them to God along with everything else. Say. . .
"I'm not gonna carry this junk around with me for one more second".

Take a look around you, find someone who seems really happy in themselves, someone who really seems to milk life for all its worth, someone who seems to have no worries in the world.

Got them in mind ?

Chances are that they have taken the focus of themself and are using there time and abilities to serve others.

Try serving instead of being served today.

Love you X

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