Saturday, March 03, 2007


Are you familiar with hallel ?

Probably not (unless you're Amy Knight!)

Hallel translates as "Praise [God]" and is a collection of 6 Psalms (113 - 118) that is read / chanted / sang on Jewish holy days and 'joyous occasions'.
Hallel is usually chanted as part of Shacharit (morning prayer service) following the Shacharit's Shemoneh Esreh ("The Eighteen", main prayer).

It is recited during the first night of Passover as well as Shavuot, Sukkot, Hanukka and Rosh Chodesh (begining of a new month).

Interestingly enough, (or perhaps not!) it is from these recitals we get many of our modern worship songs. His Love Endures Forever is a prime example.

So at the last supper, it is very probable that Jesus and His disciples would have endulged in this Hallel. And if we believe that the scriptures are inspired by God or "God-breathed" (well...Do we?). Then is it at all likely that God had inspired David to pen these Psalms that He knew would be used and part of this ceremonial singing/chanting (worship), so that He could use it as a form of expression when He is on the Earth in human-form?

This is HUGE!

Esentially God wrote that song for Himself !

It brings a whole new level to the way in which we veiw Jesus. We know He was fully God and fully man. But here we see a much more vulnerable Jesus.

A Jesus who prays and asks that this purpose and direction He's headed be taken away from Him.
A Jesus who sweat blood with worry and concern.
A Jesus who, in the most sensative time with His disciples, needed a song.

Just like we need a song.

Go ahead! Hallel yourself!

Love you x

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