Thursday, February 22, 2007

Misconception of Misery

Ive noticed recently that a christian school-of-thought is that God works through our uncomfortableness (which can be a valid point), that breaking out of our comfort zones or forcing ourselves to do something that scares us can be very liberating.

However, this ideaology can be taken to extremes (as can all, just look at Neitche and Hitler!) and some people think that if I enjoy doing something or find something fun that it must be from the devil.

God can only work through pain and suffering and uncomfortableness (with sack cloth clothes and gnashing teeth!).

This is absurd.

Surely Joy, Passion, Talents, and enjoyment are from God.

If you are good at something or enjoy doing it, then its very likely sent from God. I say not only do it, but do it with all your heart and do it for God.
Just look at christian authors, preachers and muscians. They don't do it because its been burdened upon them and the feel forced (one arm behind their back!). They do it because they are passionate about this talent and more importantly passionate about God.

So today may you do what you are good at and may you do what you enjoy, but most of all may you do it all for God.

Love you x

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