Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The entrapment of entitlement

After hearing a downloaded sermon from Rob Bell, I was really challenged in some of the ways we as christians may veiw our lives (sometimes).
In his sermon he metion the dangers of feeling somehow entitled to things and that God could owe us.

One theory was that people would be looked down upon because of the situations they find themselves in. We see this throughout the bible. Usually by pharisees (empowered people who should know better), putting down on people who are less fortunate than them. Lepers and beggers are percieved that they have somehow sinned (or someone in their family) and are now being punished accordingly.

This, of course, is rediculous. These people find themselves in these crappy situations because thats just the way life is. Crappy. More importantly, its about what you do and how you deal with these situations.

Another theory, which is a very dangerous path to go down, is that because we have been dealt this crappy hand in life that God now owes us something good to balance things out. Its like, ive been tried or tested by this illness or death in the family or lost my job or house (whatever) and now Im waiting for my pay out. Like God is some kind of insurance company.

God is assurance, not insurance.

We could almost fall into this idea of making a list of all the good things we do and then sit around waiting for or reward from God.

If we make a list, does it mean God's allowed to make one too?

How would that scene go?

Here we are infront of the almighty Father and he goes first . . . .
(God's list)
*sun (heat and light)/ moon and stars / oxygen/ pasta / water / worship /music/art/ family/freinds/sunsets/ holding the hand of someone you love / a childs first steps / pizza / trees / smell of fresh cut grass / a smile on someones face / health / mexican food / fruit / technology/ laughter / a childs first word / medicene / lemon meringue pie . . . .
Now God turns to you and says "Oh Im sorry I got a bit carried away, your turn..."
And you look at this stuff you been trying to hold God to ransom over and your like ...
" I erm, I put and extra £10 in the collection at my church"

It suddenly doesnt seem to work, does it?

God doesnt owe us anything. But He gives us everything. Thats the point.

Love you x

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