Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pick 'n' Mix Christianity

Micah 1
Chapter one; An overview
Micah pointed out the need for justice and peace.
He was kinda like God's lawyer, sent to proclaim God's disappointment with Isreal and Judah, their leaders, and their people.
In chapter one we see and introduction into the life and times of Micah and he begins to reveal what God has in store for Jerusalem and Samaria (Judah and Isreals capital cities).
Micah makes it clear that God hates unkindliness, idolatry, injustice, and empty ritual - and still does today. But God is very willing to forgive the sins of any who repent.
There are a few major themes within this book, one of them is in this first chapter.
Perverting Faith;
God IS going to judge the greedy preists, leaders and false prophets. While they may seem (from the outside) to be carrying out religious ceremonies and behaving in a 'prim and proper' way, the fact is they were making their own gains through very 'unreligious' activities. Through their selfish wants of money and influencial power they not only neglected God, but they were perverting their faith.
Don't try and blend your faith (and relationship with God) with your own needs. Selfishness is hated by God. Judgement and punishment will be on there way. A 'pick and mix' approach to your faith is a prime example of perverting faith.
Love you x

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