Monday, May 07, 2007

Mountain of God

Im currently working my way through Exodus.

Ive got to the bit where Moses is the go-between for God and the Isrealites.

It makes me chuckle to think of Moses running up the mountain (at the age of 80 ish!) and God saying "tell the people the LORD says..." and then Moses running back down to the Isrealites and telling them what God has said. Then the people say "Moses, tell the LORD...." and Moses runs back up the moutain.

This goes on for chapters!

I struggle with the fact that I'm human (and destined to screw up!), I think if only I'd have been around back then when God revealed Himself in fire and thunder and wind and through Moses.... THEN my faith would be unshakable! But we see that the Isrealite (inspite of this very visual God) still make the same mistakes we make.

Moses comes down the mountain (after getting the 10 commandments) and finds that the Isrealites have made a golden calf and are worshipping it!

Third Day have done a song caled Mountain of God (chorus)

Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard
Well, the One whose gone before me
He will help me carry on
After all that I've been through
Now I realize the truth
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of God

Love you x


James said...

Well it seems like the story of my life too. Messing up one minute full of passion the next, then back down the mountain to more sin and mess..and on and on..

To be honest I don't get myself half the time. When I have a 'moment of clarity', and I get the whole reason we're here, and God seems in my face, it's crazy to me that I would waste my time on sin at all! Why would I want anything other than Paul says, everything else is rubbish, right?

But then before I know it, it's back to the rubbish.

I love that version where it says that Jesus is the author and perfector on my faith. The one who started a work in me and the one who will finish it. I can be confident, even when i'm frustrated, because Jesus is working out all things in me, for His Glory and purpose. That's should give me a bit more passion to be going on with!

Good blog post dude. Keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

im lovin it lovin it lovin it im lovin it like this xxxxxxx

keep blogging dude xxx
luv ya