Sunday, January 29, 2006

God is everywhere . . . even Rock Bottom!

Hey guys!

This week I've been really concerntrating on being church-ste even at work.

"Why live two lives?"

Anyhoo, I shared this on sunday morning (so sorry if you've already heard this!), but I was thinking in the week about how cool it would be to work within a christian based job. How much easier it would be to just be who I am (with no come backs).
As I work in a 'secular' job, I sometimes feel a bit alone (cuz of my faith), but after reading my bible I realized how stupid I must sound!

God goes everywhere with me.

So how can my job be secular if God is in it? . . . It can't!

love you x

1 comment:

Lemony Snickett said...

It DOES make sense!
I think people struggle with this aspect of the christian life in all sorts of ways.
Keep on keeping on brother ollie x