Saturday, January 07, 2006

God Glasses

Jonah 4:10-11
In the last post we looked at the importance of staying humble and remembering that we are not gods.
It's ok that we don't always understand why things happen.
It's ok that things don't always look clear to us.
It's ok that we are sometimes unsure of ourselves (and others)
Through Jonah's eyes all that could be seen were the hideous war crimes being commited by those pagan warriors (the Ninevites), but God saw 120, 000 weak human beings in need of help.
From Gods perfect vantage point, things look very different.
Thats it! The end of Jonah.
We don't find out if he finally humbles himself to God.
I hope its helped you half as much as its helped me.
Pete has given us a book on interpreting the bible, so there maybe more studies in the future.
Feel free to let me know what you thought of this whole blog/bible study thing.
Love you X

1 comment:

Simon Bridgwater said...

I'm quite sad that we've reached the end of Jonah. Ste, your Bible studies have been really useful, as I'm useless when it comes to reading the Bible.

I look forward to any future Bible study blogs you may do, they've been really useful. You're the best mentor ever!