Friday, December 23, 2005

Scandalously good

Jonah 4:2
For all his weaknesses, Jonah did tell God what was really in his heart, even if it was ugly. He brought his frustrations to God's attention.
If you are struggling, depressed or disappointed, tell God.
He knows anyway, but He considers our expression of pain a moment of intimacy.
Use God as your shrink.
Its kinda ironic that the most amazing descirptions of God found in the bible came out of the mouth of such a bitter/enraged man like Jonah.
The minor prophet finally 'fesses up' to why he did a runner from God in the first place - he was frightened that God WOULD be true to His promise to forgive the Ninevites.
So why would anyone complain about such beauty and grace?
The answer is simple.
We want God to be gracious and forgiving to US - but not people who WE consider not worthy of it. (as if we have any grounds to be judgemental!)
Love you x

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