Monday, December 26, 2005

One step forwards, Three steps back!

Jonah 4:3
Dude! Jonah was angry with God, NOW he's feeling suicidal!
Just when it looked as if he was gonna learn from this experience, he slips right back into to stoopid mode again.
Jonah couldn't face serving someone who could do the kinds of things that God was doing.
He would sooner die.
This is Jonahs stuborness - TO THE MAX!!!
It also shows that Jonah had learnt very little. He still wants to run away - but this time, he looks to run not to another country but to the grave.
Don't live your lives with unresolved anger inside of you. It will catch up with you eventually. (and the longer its left to fester, the worse it becomes)
Maybe you watch enviously as other people go further in God than you.
Or perhaps you resent new-christians for their bright, fresh approach to faith.
Don't run and hide from God.
Take these problems and bad feelings to God a talk to Him about it.
Learn from your past.
Walk towards God.
Love you x

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