Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On their turf

Matthew 8_15-13 tells of the remarkable faith of a Roman officer, but an emphasis is all given to Jesus' character... His desire to meet people in their own space. At the drop of a hat He was willing to stop what He was doing, change direction and go to a complete strangers house.

Meeting with and spending time with the Romans was almost as bad as associating with the sick, prostitutes and tax collectors, but this was Jesus' way.


Jesus wasn't like Robin Hood, steling from the rich to give to the poor.
Jesus gave to everyone.
He preached in the synagogue.
Touched and healed the sick.
Dined with the religious elite.
Sat and drank with adulterers and prostitutes.

No matter what the audience, Jesus delivered the message in their terms and on their turf.


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