Sunday, November 11, 2007

Our hearts response

Hi I'm back!

So I'm gonna talk about worship.

When dealing with worship, everything (obviously) looks back to God.
But one of the most obvious points to stop at is Jesus (duh!) and the cross.

Crucifixion was the ultimate penalty in the ancient world. It was not only a form of capital punishment, but also torture and shame. To hang there naked, broken, bleeding is bad enough, but then for your body to give up unable to take the weight on your nailed hands (or wrists) and to suffocate.

No 'citizen' could be crucified, this form of death was reserved only for slaves, imigrants and outlaws. This public display of power by the Roman empire was another way for them to become obsessed with controlling every corner of their 'boundaries'.

In 1 Corinthians 1:23, we see Paul describing the 'word of the cross' is folly to Greeks and scandal to the Jews.

Love you X

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