Saturday, September 08, 2007


Father Genardy has a saying _

"do not be afraid . . . . be VERY afraid!"

This would be the sort of mindset that Gideon would have been feeling in this section of the story. Inspite of Gideon's fear (or maybe because of it?), God chose now to speak once again to him.

Yahweh reveals that He is going to give the enemy into Gideon's hands. If Gideon still needed extra reassurance, God invited him to go down to the Midianite out-posts and listen to the whisperings from the sentries.

It's interesting to note that this wasn't a COMMAND from God, it was an oportunity to be used (or not) by Gideon.

What could the Midianites have to say that could possibly encourage Gideon ?

He HAD to find out.

Love you X

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