Monday, September 11, 2006

Strike my face!

Micah 5:1
Jerusalem was very wealthy and powerful, and VERY stubborn! They deemed it ludicrous and impossible the idea that their mighty nation could be destroyed. No matter how big or powerful their king, even he couldn't stop what God had in store for them.
Its kinda ironic that this big wealthy powerful nation couldnt be saved by its big wealthy powerful king, but in Bethlehem (a tiny poor town) would be born a king who could save these people (and the rest!).
The judge mentioned in this verse was probably King Zedekiah who reigned in Jerusalem when Nebuchanezzar conquered the city (2 Kings 25:1). Zedekiah was the last king of David's line to sit on the throne in Jerusalem. Micah prophesied that the next king in David's line would be the Messiah, who would start a kingdom that would last forever.
How cool is it that our God is the King, as well as our father?
We are all Princes and Princesses.
The same royal blood that ran down the cross at calvary runs through mine and your veins.
This isnt just a nice idea. This is real.
Love you x

1 comment:

Simone's adventures said...

This is so true. Plus Jesus gave us all his authority. We can heal the sick, cast out demons. We are the world's light and I wonder why so often i don't shine. Love ya