Monday, July 10, 2006


Micah 3: 5-8
Micah (unlike Jonah!) stayed true to his calling and continued to do and say exactly what God wanted him to. Also, in contrast, the false prophets of the time were in for some trouble!
We must still be aware of false-prophets today, not all those who claim to have messages from God really do. In verses 5-7 we get a taster of what God has in store for these false teachers.
In verse 8 Micah acknowledges that it is God who is to be praised for the works that Micah is doing. He recognises that the power within his ministry is from God.
Our strength and power comes from the same source today!
Jesus told His followers that they would recieve the power and ability to witness about Him when the Holy Spirit came to them (Acts 1:8).
You can't rely on your own strength to witness, because the devil will use fear to stop you in your tracks.
Fear of humility. Fear of rejection.
It is only when we fully rely on God and the power of the Holy Spirit can we live and witness for Him.
Next time you're in the church, take a look at the back wall . . . .
Love you x

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