Friday, April 21, 2006

Micah 1:1-6
Micah and Isaiah lived at around the same time (approx 750-680 BC) and probably knew each other. As I have already said, this book was aimed mainly at Judah, but also Isreal. At this time Judah was a very wealthy nation.
Of the 3 kings mentioned (1:1), Jotham (750-735) and Hezekiah (715-686) tried to follow God (2 Kings 15:32-38; 18-20), but Ahaz was one of the most evil kings ever to reign in Judah (2 Kings 16)
"Yo! Judah! . . . . Isreal! . . . . You guys had better watch out! God's on His way, and He aint a happy chappy! He's seen how you have turned away from Him and He is about to go medievil on yo asses!" (1:3-6)
In this begining passage, Micah descibes (quite visually) what is gonna happen to these two cities. The destruction of Samaria was actually fulfilled during Micah's lifetime, in 722 BC (2 Kings 17:1-18), just as he had predicted.
After my last study (on Jonah), I am able to compare these two prophets. It is interesting to see how they dealt with God's commands differently.
Jonah heard God's wishes and then did the exact opposite and ran and hid (granted, he eventually did what he was supposed to!)
Micah heard God's wishes and went straight to it, at full throttle.
Which of the two are you more like?
Love you x

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