Saturday, January 07, 2006

Leave being God to God

Jonah 4:9
We need to remember our place in the grand scheme of things.
God is God.
God is our Father, not our mate and deffinately not our servant.
God does what God does.
Let Him (He's good at it!)
God confronts Jonah with the question . . . .
"Do you have a right to be angry about the plant?"
God quizzes him with a type of question that all of us could do with hearing from time to time.
"What right do we have to suggest how God works?"
"Who do you think you are?"
When we have question for God, He may be gracious enough to answer - but when we hear no reply, we should still honour God in the same way as if we had heard the answer we were hoping for.
We laid down our rights at the cross.
Don't pick them up again.
Love you X

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