Monday, April 11, 2005

From Russia with love

O.K. so we are back from Belarus, and everyone was realy expectant of me to say something about the trip last night at church. The time didnt feel right and I couldnt possibly do the trip justice by talking about it for 5 minutes.

One of the biggest things I got from the trip had nothing to do with the worship team (shock! horror!). The thing that effected me the most was how willing Gennady was to open up his home and family to a bunch of weirdos and feed us and keep us warm.
Its this way of treating others and showing acts of kindness that Jesus was really promoting in the bible.
"Love one and other, as I have loved you"
I guess seeing the way that the priest welcomed us into his family has really humbled my heart before God, and I will try and live my life the "traditional Belarussian way".
And in the wise words of someone a long way away . . . "DO IT !"


rwj said...

now you have two posts entitled from russia with never suprised to find that your posts encourage me!!!

rwj said...

welcome home!!!